Monday, August 10, 2015

One Man's Trash

If you're envisioning strange smells, even stranger stains and your granddad's clothes -- chances are you've been listening to too much Macklemore and haven't actually been in a thrift shop lately.  

Thrift store shopping, or thrifting, has become all the rage - and for good reason! Thrifting is a great way to find pieces that are unique and easy on the wallet.

Here are some helpful DO's and DONT's to keep in mind the next time you go secondhand shopping!

DO look for pieces to repurpose. Old window frames and pallets can be reworked to add some farmhouse charm to your home. Also, gold spray paint over jars, bottles, pots, etc. is a simple way to add subtle glam.

DO talk to the employees. They can fill you in on additional discounts and let you know when they typically put out new merchandise. 

DO look for retro pieces. Vintage looks are always coming back in style and it's much cooler to own an original! 

I found this gorgeous circa 70's dress for under $10! 

DO look for flannel shirts and thick sweaters. I always find great secondhand sweaters and save a pretty penny. 

I found this beautiful baby blue sweater for approximately $5. 

DO think outside the box. Keep your eyes and your mind open when browsing. I find Grace Kelly's adorable puppy scarves in thrift shops for around a buck. And she doesn't care that an old lady once wore it, because hey - it's Italian silk. 

DO research while shopping. Bring your smartphone and see how resale prices compare to retail. 

DON'T get discouraged. Good stuff does exist, sometimes you just really have to hunt for it. 

DON'T buy something unless you absolutely love it. Just because it's a good deal doesn't mean you need it. It's a slippery slope from "I need one more set of mason jars" to starring in your own episode of Hoarders. 

DON'T buy "questionable" items. For example, items you rely on for safety, like car seats. Or personal items, like mattresses - because.. Don't. Just don't. 

I hope these tips enlighten your next thrifting adventure! Please share your own tips in the comment section below.

I've also included my go-to directory for locating thrift shops (and their ratings!) everywhere I go! 

Photography by Emily Hatcher


  1. Sweaters have always been my favorite thrift store buy, going back to my pre-teen years. My go-to outfit, to this day, is a cute sweater and tailored jeans. Love your sweater find! (and Gracie is pretty slick in her Italian silk).
